Senin, 04 Juni 2012


Tolerance and Unity Potrayed in the Sundanese Literature and Art

Nama                   : Auliani
NPM                : 11609650
Kelas                   : 3SA02



Nowadays tolerance, coalescence and unity in our beloved country is pretty sad. Can we see the gap between the rich and the poor are very clear. People are reluctant toassociate with the poor, did the opposite. Poor people feel shy and ashamed toassociate with the middle class and above. Another concrete example of what we can see is the lack of harmony in the community life. In this day and age, often people arenot very close or even not at all who know her neighbors. They do not care who theirneighbors, who were the people who live around them.

In fact, our country was awarded with various tribes. At the time our country was proclaimed on August 17 in 1945, composed of different races, different ethnicities,different religions and beliefs, different cultures, including languages, different philosophies, ranging from Sabang to Merauke. All of that is an invaluable asset that we must maintain, in addition to the beauty and abundant natural resources as a gift from Gusti Nu Maha Suci.

One of the approximately 400 tribes that exist in our country is a Sundanese ethnic groups. The quantity is a Sundanese ethnic group after the second largest ethnic Javanese. With so many tribes could Sunda helped contribute to the color hue of Indonesia which up holds diversity. In the literature and the arts and arts Sunda, there are many aspects to uphold national unity.

Value Tolerance, Unity and Integrity of Contained in the literature and the arts of Sunda

Indonesia is facing various problems in terms of the difference. Tolerance amongcitizens has been minimal and difficult to be realized. It is as if the influence of culturalheritage of tolerance and that upholds the unity and integrity has faded.

According to understanding, "Tolerance is a term in the context of social, cultural and religious attitudes and actions mean that prohibits discrimination against differentgroups or can not be accepted by the majority in a society." (Http:// / wiki/ Tolerance)

Tolerance in the life of the nation is a very important tool in creating unity in a nation.Tolerance in the absence of national life, the unity is a dream to be achieved. Tolerancein our country today is also quite alarming. Just because a slight difference, civil warbroke out, and worse today more and more separatist movements that have sprung up.

As the unity of the nation, means that tribes already united. In this case, each ethnic group is a group of people who have certain characteristics that unite. The incorporation of the unity of the nation, each nation still has the characteristics and customs of the original. While the notion of national unity itself by WJS.Poerwadarminta (1987) is

"Unity is a joint (bond, collection, etc.) from some parts have been united, while unity is the Oneness, single or whole nature."

To maintain this unity, each ethnic group must be willing and able to preserve theirculture - each. In addition to preserving the culture, respectively, also connotes unity,tolerance and mutual respect. 

There's a saying in Sundanese 'basa teh ciciren bangsa "(language that is characteristic of a nation). In my opinion, the local language, including the Sundanese language can be functioned as a fertilizer for the national language. This is possible because theIndonesian language is new language as a continuation of the Malay language, that is very open. It means very easy to accept the word - words from various languages,including languages. Thus, the Sundanese language can enrich the vocabulary of the Indonesian language. Preserve Sundanese helped give meaning to oversee growth ofNational Language. Preserve Sundanese Sundanese culture also means preserving.Preserving Cultural Sunda means maintaining, fostering, nurture, develop, may alsomodify, for subsequent transfer to future generations. Thus the necessary process ofawareness in between each - each ethnic group for the mutual recognition and respect the diversity of cultural identity is wrapped with the spirit of harmony and peace.

Sundanese culture as principle an adheres egaliteraniasme, pluralism and the spirit ofbeing together is high. It is least evident in the historical footsteps, why in this area, many relics of the past are not mystical, not feudal, not full of luxury, and full of nuancesape-Gaman. For the Sundanese culture system, which was built adalam principle of unity, unity and acknowledgment.

Coalescence and unity in Sundanese culture system which I understand is not a model of uniformity in many ways including: living systems, social systems, systems berekonomiand so on. For example, a light image of Sundanese culture is the absence ofpregnancy-rusan to change the name, into Indonesia for example, for the immigrantswho settled in this region. In the area of Garut example, many ethnic Chinese, Indian,Arab, and Iain tried in this area without the worry using the language and culturalempowerment ¬ their daily lives. In fact, many of these groups get recognition from theSunda. In Garut, until there are special schools for the Chinese! That is, the Sundaneseculture system, it does not matter a person's ethnic origin background-what, what matters is the extent to which their self's contribution to the development of local culture,without having to abandon their own culture.

While the concept of recognition refers to the path of one of the scientists whodescribed the concept of mandala Sunda in the leadership system of Sunda.According to him, the Sunda leaders become leaders because of the results of the recognition of citizens who want to pick up and follow him. In this context, the socialcontract between the leader and the led. So ¬ leader pin in Sundanese culture systemsbecome more meaningful because he was not a ruler, but as a representative andmediator for the existing problems on his followers.

Sundanese community should be proud, because their ancestors had always instill the philosophy of peace: " Someah Hade Ka Semah ". Philosophy of " Hade Ka Semah " is the local wisdom of tatar Sunda. This means that the Sundanese people should be friendly to his guests. Friendly in the sense of entertaining, keep, maintain, and seektheir guests happy. Someah in different bases darehdeh Sunda. Darehdeh means a lot of smile and bow. However someah has a wider meaning as mentioned above.

Lots of cultural expression in Sunda Sunda reflecting the tremendous respect that the community values of tolerance and harmony among fellow citizens. As expressions ofthe following expression:

- "Kaciwit kulit kabawa daging", meaning literally the Indonesian language was carried by the skin Tercubit meat. That is, the Sunda apply tolerance, sympathy, and empathy for people affected by disasters and do not live on their own.
-  “Lain palid ku cikiih lain datang ku cileuncang ", (not washed away by the urine,rather than come up with rainwater). The purpose of this expression is not a foreignfeeling in the place itself, but Mingle, united and proud of the diversity among dirirnation's own identity.
- "Ciri sabumi, cara sadesa" ,(sebumi, the rules from the same village).The point is, custom or practice in each country or region is different, so respect thecustoms and habits of a region.
- " Kudu rubuh-rubuh gedang" ,(papaya should be collapsed), it means wehave always worked together in family life.

 Living in harmony and peace in unity and unity will be achieved when in the life of ourmutual affection, love, mutual respect, honor, and not to provoke unrest and anger of others, it is very important in realizing national unity. Value of the unity and integrity are also many reflected as shown in the following expression:
- "Paheuyeuk-heuyeuk leungeun " , (holding hands). Holding hands here has a meaningthat we should help each other in the face of problems.
- " Ulah ngukur baju saseregna awak " , (Do not consider anything just for personal gain), which means that no priority to private interests, but more priority tomutual interests, the interests of the nation, state interests and the interests of religion.
- " Ulah nyieun pucuk ti girang " , (Do not make the top of the upstream), that is, live in peace and tranquility do not look for trouble, create enmity with anyone seed
- " Ngeduk cikur kudu mihatur, nyokel jahe kudu micarek, ngagedag kudu be wara " , (extract kencur have to ask permission to ask for permission prying ginger, shake to ask permission). This expression has a meaning not too concerned with their own interests, but that in doing any good based on mutual consent, and always give priority to kinship and unity.
- " Tiis ceuli herang mata" , (Cold ears clear eyes), means it is Always to live in tranquility,peace and no enemies.
- " Ulah kawas seuneu jeung injuk " ,  (Do not like the fire with the fibers). This shortphrase has an adequate sense of depth. This means we have to control the Smartnegative passions that destroy relationships with others. Create an atmosphere ofintimacy, both within the family and in society.

Symbol of harmony, keharmohonisan, unity and integrity can also be found in the Sundanese arts. For instance in Sundanese song cianjuran in West Java. If we look waditra devices (instruments) are used (Kacapi ovary, Kacapi rincik, flute or fiddle), the device according to the characteristics of the Sundanese people.

If viewed from the contents rumpaka (lyrics) he uses, among them cianjuran talks about life in the heyday of the Kingdom of Padjajaran. Therefore, the content of song lyrics cianjuran a symbol of the life of ancient Sundanese (Kartawinata, 2007: 11).

Symbolization can be interpreted as one way by its creators to tell all the events that happened in the past into the art form. In order to later be dikuak and known by the heirs or their offspring. Made in the form of art is intended that the story will continue to be timeless and easy to understand its contents.

The existence of symbolism in the lyrics of songs cianjuran a small fraction of symbols that can be found. Another symbol that can be expressed is, first, that we saw in the presentation, all the instruments and the singer to play their respective roles without having to scramble play area. That is, each musician has to understand where to play its role. If there are players who are not carrying out its role properly, that there is disharmony.

With knowing and execute their respective roles, meaning players have to understand and practice the rules of mutual respect among fellow. If the attitude is not done, the harmony will be disturbed. in carrying out its role, the players must play in accordance with their respective duties. From here reflects that the Sundanese culture, there is a rule that requires us to be good at putting themselves, and maintain the rights and obligations. Because, in the presence of errors in the placement of self, will expire at the onset of the problem so as not to create harmony in life.

Second, in a clear presentation of the required integrity cianjuran song player. That is,players must complete. If only one player less there will be a lameness that eventuallywill make the presentation is not perfect. . This reflects that the Sundanese culture is aculture that pays close attention to the unity and integrity. That is, we as a society is aSundanese community living in a civilized and culture. Therefore, it should if we retainthe manners and culture in order to create unity and integrity, so that the Sundaneseculture still alive in Sundanese society. That way, the harmony among the Sundanese people will remain well preserved.

Third, the presentation of the song cianjuran found mutual respect. In this case, as a reflection of that society is a society known Sunda ramah, someah, hade tata jeung basa, hade kadulur jeung kabatur. Where if all was done, it will create mutual respectin which this attitude is the attitude of the Sundanese people who know willkesundaannya. However, the atmosphere today as the Sundanese people who forgetthe bean skin, and long may become jati kasilih ku junti. That is, many peopletoday who do not heed the Sunda again kesundaannya culture, such as hare-hare hirup and forget themselves.


             Expression data have been presented, which is a reflection of the relationshipbetween man and fellow human beings in a society living in accordance with the views of the Sundanese, also with folkwas, social solidarity, is also about family functioningand tatasosial in Sundanese society.

            Kesusastran sunda above it is clear that there is an expectation that melambanganSunda into human society, both individually and in groups, as well as in building asocial life, but the problem now is whether it is already implemented by the Sundanese people?

One of the pillars to support the existence of our country is a principle of unity of the nation. Unity, can be distinguished, but can not be separated. Unity implies common - the same but not necessarily the same, while unity implies a very different, that it should be the same. Speaking of unity, all citizens, no bargaining, no compromise in thenational and state 5, there should only be one option. The explanation is:

While there are hundreds of local philosophy, philosophy can only have one country, namely: PANCASILA.

While there are hundreds of banner area, there should only be one state flag is: REDWHITE.

While there are hundreds of local languages, there should only be one language thatstates: INDONESIAN.

Although there are hundreds if not thousands of folk songs, there should only be onenational anthem is: INDONESIA RAYA.

While there are hundreds of tribes, there should only be one nation, namely:INDONESIA.


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Hermansah, Tantan. 2006. Diakses tanggal 18 Juni 2011. (online). Islam Sunda: gambaran awal. (
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