Rabu, 03 Juli 2013

Birth of Certificate


From GENERAL  Register of Civil Registration for Indonesia Citizen about births pursuant to the State Gazatte in Jakarta, that in Jakarta on date twenty seventh of March nineteen ninety two was born: AULIANI daughter of married couple : ARIFIN and ASIH TRI ARIYANTI

This expert conforms to the condition on this day
Jakarta, dated sixth of April
Nineteen ninety two,
Head of Civil Registration Office.

Ari Hutomo


Selasa, 30 April 2013

teori penerjemahan

Teori terjemahan ialah satu cabang linguistik yang menghuraikan aspek-aspek bahasa, kebudayaan, dan komunikasi yang berperanan dalam amalan terjemahan. Penterjemahan ditakrifkan sebagai “penyalinan semula maklumat daripada bahasa sumber ke dalam bahasa penerima dalam bentuk persamaan yang terdekat dan sejadi, pertama dari segi makna dan kedua dari segi gayanya”.
Pada suatu masa dahulu, jika seseorang mengetahui dua bahasa, dia dianggap boleh menjadi penterjemah tanpa memerlukan pengetahuan lanjut. Pendapat ini kini dianggap sangat jauh daripada kenyataan. Pakar-pakar dalam bidang penterjemahan telah menghasilkan teori dan prinsip yang menjadikan pedoman bagi para penterjemah. Seseorang yang ingin menjadi penterjemah yang baik kini diperlukan memenuhi empat syarat utama seperti yang berikut:
  • Menguasai bahasa sumber secara mendalam: Keperluan ini dikehendaki untuk membolehkan seseorang penterjemah mengetahui selok-belok keistimewaan dan keganjilan bahasa sumber supaya dapat membezakan makna yang terkandung dalam teks asal dan dengan itu, mentakrifkan maksudnya dengan tepat.
  • Mengetahui bahasa penerima: Mengikut pakar terjemahan hari ini, seseorang penterjemah harus juga menguasai bahasa penerima dengan sama baik, jika bukan dengan lebih baik.
  • Pengetahuan dalam bidang yang diterjemahkan: Untuk menjamin supaya makna atau maklumat yang terkandung dalam teks asal dapat dipindahkan dengan tepat dan sempurna daripada bahasa sumber ke dalam bahasa penerima, seseorang penterjemah harus mengetahui dengan secukupnya bidang yang hendak diterjemahkan. Ini adalah penting, bukan sahaja untuk penterjemahan teks-teks khusus dan teknik, tetapi juga untuk penterjemahan karya-karya kesusasteraan.
  • Mengetahui teori dan amalan terjemahan: Pada suatu masa dahulu, penterjemahan dianggap sebagai suatu tugas untuk mencari perkataan-perkataan padanan yang boleh menggantikan perkataan-perkataan asal dalam bahasa sumbernya. Ini tidak lagi dianggap benar kerana penterjemah juga bertanggungjawab untuk memindahkan idea, maklumat dan gaya teks yang diterjemahkan. Ini bermaksud bahawa penterjemahan perlu dibantu oleh ilmu pengetahuan yang mencukupi dalam bidang teori dan kaedah terjemahan semasa menjalankan tugasnya.

Certificate of senior high school

School Year: 2008/2009

The undersigned, Headmaster of The Private Senior High School “SMK Setia Negara Depok” certifies that:
Name                                                    : Auliani
place and date of birth                           : Jakarta, March 27th 1992
name of parent                                      : Asih Tri Aryanti binti Sukaryanto
name of senior high school                     : SMK Setia Negara Depok
student registration number                    : 8815455624
participant number                                 : 03-031-323-1


from the vocational high school  based on  the results of the School and National Examinations and has fulfilled all criteria  pursuant to the applicable regulations.

Depok, 16 Juni 2009
[stamped & signed ]
Drs. Awaludin, S.Pd
NIP. –

Minggu, 31 Maret 2013



Let's smile when you remember me
Because in that moment I really miss you
And wept when you missed me
Because in that moment I can't beside you
But close your beautiful eyes
Because then you will feel I'm near
Because I've been in your heart forever

There is nothing left for me anymore
Besides wonderful memories with you
With her beautiful eyes that I used to see the beauty of love
Beautiful eyes who once was mine
Now everything feels far away
Life feels empty without your beauty
Your heart,love,and my loving is yours

Our love will never set me free
How can I fly to find another love
When the wings have been broken because of you
Your love will stay with me
Until the end of my life and after death
Until the God's hand will unite us again



Name                           : Auliani

City/Date of Birth          : Jakarta, 27-03-1992

Sex                              : Female                             Blood Type   : -

Address                       : KP.MAMPANGAN

Rt/Rw                           : 004/009

Country/Village             : KEMIRIMUKA

Sub-District                  : Beji

Religion                        : Islam

Marital Status                : Unmarried

Occupation                   : Entrepreneuer

Nationality                    : Indonesian

Expiry                          : 27-03-2017

Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

Cultural changes from the foreign culture

Cultural Changes From The Foreign Culture

1.1 Background of Study

Changes felt by other people in society. Changes in society are reasonable, considering that humans have unlimited needs. You will be able to see the changes after comparing the situation in some time ago to the present. Changes that can occur in various aspects of life, such as tools and equipment life, livelihood, social systems, languages, arts, knowledge systems, and religion / belief.
Social change is part of the culture change. Changes in culture include all parts, including the arts, science, technology, philosophy and more. However, such changes do not affect the social organization of society. The scope of a wider cultural change than social change. However, in practice these two types of changes to these changes is very difficult to separate (Soekanto, 1990).
Cultural changes start with and arising from social organizations. Opinion was restored to the understanding of society and culture. Society is a system of relations in terms of the relationship between the organization and not the relationship between cells. Culture includes all ways of thinking and behaving, which arise due to the nature of communicative interaction as conveying the ideas symbolically rather than inheritance for offspring (Davis, 1960). When taken according to the definition of culture in Soekanto Taylor (1990), culture is a complex which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law and any customs and habits of human ability as citizens, the cultural change dalah any changes that include such elements . Soemardjan (1982), argued that the change in the social and cultural changes that have the same aspect both concerned with a way of acceptance of new ways or an improvement in the way a community meet its needs.
Therefore, to enhance the resilience of the national culture, the National Development have dotted the decline of arts development efforts that could produce "value-added cultural". Grip-grip art (local and national) need to remain perpetuated, because it is rooted in the culture of the community. Through decomposition and reconstruction, rekoreografi, renovation, revitalization, recreation, along with various improvised ornaments, touches the values and new breath, and fostering appreciation will invite possessive attitude toward renewal and enrichment of artworks. This is where the beginning of a rich culture of art and the "socio-cultural capital" of society.

2.1 Theory

2.1.1 Definition of Culture

" Culture consists of patterns, explicit and implicit, of and for behavior acquired and transmitted by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievements of human groups, including their embodiments in artifacts; the essential core of culture consists of traditional (i.e. historically derived and selected) ideas and especially their attached values; culture systems may, on the one hand, be considered as products of action, and on the other as conditioning elements of further action." -Kroeber, A.L., & Kluckhohn, C. (1952)

2.1.2 Definition of Society

A society, or a human society, is a group of people related to each other through persistent relations, or a large social grouping sharing the same geographical or virtual territory, subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations. Human societies are characterized by patterns of relationships (social relations) between individuals who share a distinctive culture and institutions; a given society may be described as the sum total of such relationships among its constituent members. In the social sciences, a larger society often evinces stratification and/or dominance patterns in subgroups.

3.1 Problem of Discussion

Local culture of Indonesia is very diverse to be an honor and challenge to maintain and inherited to the next generation. Indonesia is very proud of the local culture as it has a very varied diversity and unique. As time, lead to changes in lifestyle communities are more modern. As a result, people prefer the new culture that might be considered more practical than the local culture.
Many factors cause the local culture forgettable days now, for example, the entry of foreign culture. The entry of foreign cultures into the country is actually a natural thing, as long as the culture is in accordance with the personality of the nation. But in fact an alien culture that began to dominate the local culture from oblivion.
Another factor that the problem is a lack of public awareness of the importance of the role of the local culture. The local culture is the identity of the nation. As a national identity, local culture should be maintained originality and ownership that can not be recognized by other countries. However, do not rule out the possibility of foreign cultures entered the country as long as it suits your personality because some states also require inputs from other countries that will influence developments in negranya.
The present is a lot of our cultures are fading away little by sedikit.Hal is very closely * with the inclusion of cultures into the culture kita.Sebagai example berpakaian.Dulunya culture in the way our culture is concerned with a polite dress code and tertutup.Akan but akaibat resulting influx of foreign culture culture berubah.Sekarang opening a dress that seemed to have a habit of nakedness that has become embedded in society kita.Sebagai another example of the types of food we eat is also beginning to be affected luar.Masyarakat culture is now more choose foods that come from the outside as KFC, steak, burgers, and other foods considered lain.Masyarakat are hygienic, modern, and praktis.Tanpa we realize these foods also have a daily menu in the life kita.Hal This has led to increasing scarcity of various types of food tradisional.Bila hai this continues to happen then it is inevitable that one day our children will not know the types of traditional foods from the area of ​​origin.
The main task that must be addressed is how to maintain, preserve, maintain, and inherits the local culture as well as possible in order to strengthen the culture of the nation that will megharumkan name of Indonesia. And also that the original culture of our country oleg state unclaimed lain.Berikut some things that we can refer to in order to preserve the culture.
1. Strength
  • Indonesia has make local cultural diversity as an asset which is not to be equated with the local culture of other countries. Locally owned Indonesian culture vary in each region. Each region has distinctive cultural characteristics, such as the custom house, custom clothing, dance, musical instruments, or the customs adopted. All that can be used to strengthen the resilience of the power culture in the eyes of International.
  • Local cultural specificities of every region in Indonesia tersediri possess power. For example, custom homes, custom clothing, dance, musical instruments, or the customs adopted. The specificity of the local culture is often interesting view of other countries. Proven number of foreign tourists who are trying to learn Indonesian culture such as learning to dance the typical suat area or looking for craft items to be used as a souvenir. This proves that the culture of Indonesia has a unique hallmark.
  • Local cultural unity that Indonesia is a nation's cultural identity representing the country of Indonesia. To that end, local culture should be maintained and properly inherited that culture remains strong.
2. Weakness
  • Public awareness to preserve local culture today is still fairly minimal. People prefer foreign culture is more practical and in accordance with the times. This does not mean the local culture does not fit with the times, but many foreign cultures that do not fit with the personality of the nation. The local culture can also be adjusted with the times, as long as it is still not left the hallmark of the culture.
  • The ability to communicate is essential in order to avoid misunderstandings about the culture one adopted. The lack of cultural communication often led to disputes between tribes that will impact the nation's cultural resistance decrease.
  • Learning about the culture, should be inculcated early. But now many have not considered essential to learn the local culture. Yet through cultural learning, we can know the importance of local culture in building a national culture and how local cultures adapting amid the times.
3. Chance
  • If the local culture can be maintained with a good, Indonesia will be in view as a country can maintain its identity in the eyes of Internasioanal.
  • The business community in order to preserve the local culture can strengthen national culture, can also strengthen unity. Because of the mutual respect between the local culture so as to unite into a strong national culture.
  • Indonesia local culture often attract the attention of foreign tourists. It can be used as a tourist attraction that will generate income for the country. However, it should also be wary because of the piracy culture that may occur.
  • In the article, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, University of Lancang Yellow, Riau, Dr SS MHum Junaidi, said that multiculturalism gave the opportunity for the rise of ethnic and local kudaya Indonesia. The two pillars that support this understanding is a cultural education and intercultural communication.
4. Challenge
  • Changes in the natural and physical environment is a challenge for a country to maintain its local culture. Because concomitant changes in the natural and physical environment, and lifestyle patterns piker IKT masyakrkat also changed
  • Although viewed by many many benefits of technological progress turns out to be one factor that led to the abandonment of the local culture. For example, SASI system (the original system in managing marine resources / inland) region of Maluku and Irian Jaya. Regulated procedures for SASI system sertamusim iakn arrest in the cultures, but this started not forgotten by society.
  • The entry of foreign cultures is a challenge that the local culture is maintained. In this case, the role of the local culture is needed as a counterweight in the middle of the times.

4.1 Result of Problem

Cultural changes that occur in traditional societies, a change from a closed society to a more open society, from the values ​​that are homogeneous toward pluralism of values ​​and social norms are salh the impact of globalization. Science and technology has changed the world fundamentally. International communication and transportation have eliminated the cultural boundaries of each nation. Culture of each nation tends to lead to globalization and a world that involves human civilization as a whole. For example, specialized in the field of mass entertainment or entertainment that is mass, meaning that globalization has become more pronounced. Right now we can listen to each day film show on tv that leads from developed countries like the United States, Japan, Korea, etc. through the television stations in the country. Not to mention an international TV broadcast can be received via a satellite dish that is now increasingly owned by the people of Indonesia. Meanwhile, another popular art-art presented via tape, vcd and dvd coming from foreign countries, even more widespread presence in our midst. Such facts provide evidence of how countries have succeeded rulers latest technology in control of the globalization of culture, especially in the country to three. Transcultural event like that will inevitably affect the existence of our art. Whereas our traditional arts are part of the repertoire of national culture that needs to be preserved.
At the other with increasingly sophisticated information technology such as this, we were treated to lots of alternative entertainment and offer a wider range of information, which might be more attractive when compared to our traditional arts. With the parabola can see a variety of entertainment shows worldwide nature from different parts of the world. Such conditions inevitably makes the elimination of traditional Indonesian art of Indonesian society that are full of meaning in Indonesian society. For example, forms of artistic expression of ethnic Indonesia, both the people and the palace, always closely associated with the agricultural community ritual behavior. With the advent of social change that comes as a result of industrialization and the market economy, and the globalization of information, then our art began to shift in the direction of commercial art dimension. Art-art ritual started out and lose its function. Even so, not all traditional art just disappear. There are a variety of art that still show their existence, even growing creatively without having oppressed the modernization process. The rapid pace of information technology or communication technology has become a powerful means of cultural diffusion, as well as alternative options are more diverse entertainment for the public. As a result, people are not interested anymore enjoy various traditional performing arts were previously familiar with their lives. For example, traditional art puppets Bharata, contained in Building Bharata Wayang The Jakarta now looked deserted as if there were no visitors. This is unfortunate considering the puppet is one of Indonesia's traditional art forms and rich full of moral messages, and one agent cultivation of moral values ​​is good, in my opinion. Another example is that Ludruk art until the 1980's continue to thrive in East Java today is experiencing a "suspended animation". Puppet people and ludruk is a small sample of the traditional arts ranging terdepaknya globalization. It may be that such phenomena are not only experienced by traditional Javanese arts, but also in a variety of traditional artistic expression in various places in Indonesia. Yet that does not mean all traditional art just die with the spread of globalization.
On the other hand, there are several art performances still exist but have changed functions. There are also art that is able to adapt and transform themselves with communication technologies that have been integrated with people's lives, such as traditional art "Ketoprak" to the screen made popular by the group Srimulat. Above facts indicate ketoprak art actually has its own fans, especially ketoprak presented in the form of broadcast television, not ketoprak stage. In terms of staging or presentation form, ketoprak including traditional art that has been proven to be able to adapt to changing times. In addition there ketoprak other arts to survive and be able to adapt to the latest technology that is shadow puppets. Some famous leather puppeteer as Ki and Ki Anom Manteb Sudarsono Suroto remain interested in the community, either tape the play, and the show directly. Courage Indosiar that since a few years ago shadow puppet show every night of the week will suffice as proof of the amount of public interest against one of the treasures of our national culture. Even the National Museum was still maintaining the existence of traditional arts such as wayang kulit leather puppet to hold every few months and gamelan music every single week or once a month, held in the hall Kertarajasa, National Museum.

5.1 Conclussion

I conclude that dynamic changes and globalization which leads to high current society that we as a nation Indonesia has many diverse cultures and lack of awareness of the importance of the role of local culture in strengthening the resilience of our nation and culture. Local Culture When in fact we have can make us more valuable than any other nation because of how precious values ​​- values ​​of local cultures that exist in this country. For that we should be more responsive and caring again for all the culture in Indonesia this. In addition, we must understand the meaning of culture and cultural diversity made ​​in Indonesia as a source of strength for resistance bangsa.Agar culture culture is maintained and not taken up by other nations. Because of the wealth of the nation of Indonesia's precious nor owned by foreign nations. Therefore, as the younger generation, which is the heir to the nation's culture, art should preserve our culture for the future of our children and grandchildren.

Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

Definition and culture theory stated by experts.

There are definitions stated by experts in culture:
1. Edward B. Taylor
Culture is a complex whole, that it contains the knowledge, belief, art, morals, laws, mores, and other capabilities acquired by man as a member of society.
2. M. Jacobs and B.J. Stern
Culture covers all forms of technology including social, ideological, religious, and arts and objects, all of which are social heritage.
3. Koentjaraningrat
Culture is a whole system of ideas, actions, and the work of human beings in order to become a society that human beings belong to learn.
4. Dr. K. Kupper
Culture is a system of ideas that guide and driver for the human in attitude and behavior, both individually and in groups.
5. William H. Haviland
Culture is a set of rules and norms that are shared by members of the public, which if carried out by its members will bear behavior deemed feasible and can be received by all communities.
6. Ki Hajar Dewantara
Culture means the fruit of the human mind is the result of the struggle of man against two strong influences, the nature of the times and is a testament to the triumph of human life to overcome the obstacles and hardships in life and livelihood in order to achieve salvation and happiness at the birth is orderly and peaceful.
7. Francis Merill
Behavioral patterns are generated by social interaction
All behavior and all products produced by someone as a member of a community that is found through symbolic interaction.
8. Bounded et.al
Culture is something that is formed by the development and transmission of human beliefs through certain symbols, such as language symbols as a series of symbols that are used to divert the cultural beliefs among the members of a society. The messages about the culture, which is expected to be found in the media, government, religious institutions, educational systems and such.
9. Mitchell (Dictionary of Soriblogy)
Culture is the most overall looping action or human activity and human-generated products that have been popular in the community socially and not just in the genetikal switch.
10. Robert H. Lowie
Culture is everything in getting individuals from the community, including beliefs, customs, norms artistic, eating habits, skills obtained not from his own creativity but rather a legacy of the past which can be through formal or informal education.
11. Archaeologists R. Seokmono
Culture is all the result of human effort, either an object or just a piece of mind and the life.

Ø Form and Components
·         Form
According J.J. Hoenigman, the form is divided into three cultures: ideas, activities, and artifacts.
After talking about the meaning of culture, it is now time to discuss menengenai wujuda of culture that is the result of human. The realization of the culture itself can be divided into three kinds, there are ideas, activity, and artifacts.
1. Idea
The idea of ​​an ideal form of culture that could be a collection of ideas, ideas themselves, values, rules, norms, and others who still have an abstract nature. Abstract nature means that the form is still not able dindera with both senses touch and be touched
The realization of this culture is still in the head of someone who has tercurahkan in a form. Everything is still in the wishful thinking that is part of the nature of mind.
If the idea or identical or norms that are set forth in writing, then the place of the cultural ideal is in an essay or a book from the author's work
So the new idea will be realized when it is in writing in the form of a book or the book is the work of the author who is also a part of the culture that exists in the community
2. Activity
Is a form of cultural activity in the form of action. Activity is a manifestation of a culture that is patterned actions of humans that exist in a society. The realization of a form of cultural activity commonly known as social systems
In the social system contains a variety of human activities that interact with each other, make contact with each other, and the interaction between man and man the other based on certain patterns based on the customary code of conduct
The nature of the activity is occurring in the concrete daily life. Not only that, but also can be observed and documented a form of cultural
3. Artifacts
s or in the only form of culture that can be seen and be results are artifacts. Artifacts is a form of culture that can be sensed physically be a result of the activities, work, and perbuatn man in a society. Results of the artifacts can be seen and touched.
Usually in the form of objects that can be seen and documented
In reality within the communities that between one cultural form with a form other cultures are intertwined and inseparable. For example, is a form of culture that form the idea of ​​giving direction causing actions that will ultimately bring forth a work that is an artifact
·         Component
Berdasakan manifestation of the culture of the culture has several components. Bebrapa components are as follows
a. Material Culture
Material culture is the form of the results of creativity, taste, and intention that has real form. Some of the things that go into the material culture is such that have been found by archaeologists. Some of the findings are as tableware from clay, weapons, jewelry, etc.
Material culture is not only based on the findings of the archaeologists only. Yet now we use that stuff, too, including of material culture, such as television, wardrobe, washing machines, airplanes, cars, motorcycles, homes, etc.
b. Kebudayaa nonmaterial
opposite of that material culture has a form of the nonmaterial culture does not have a form that can be sensed. But the nonmaterial culture is still there and can feel its presence as are fairy tales, songs, dances, etc.
c. Social Institutions
Social institutions is also one of the components in the formation of culture. Social institutions also have an important role in the development of human civilization that covers the relationship between human interaction with each other
d. Sisitem Confidence
Belief systems that exist in a society will affect how manusiaitu act. The system will also affect the valuation of trust that exist within a society
Belief system that was established by the existing society also affect habits in the community. Not only that, the belief system also have an influence in the way of life, communication, and what foods are consumed by them
An example is the belief held by a society that is in Lamongan. In the area believed that the native people or citizens lamongan not allowed to consume catfish. It is based on the legends and beliefs that exist in the society.
e. Aesthetics
Aesthetics is a reflection of a culture that promotes the values ​​of beauty. Aesthetic value is often associated with works of art like dance, painting, music, Dongen, and others. Aesthetic value of an area is also berbedaa other regions.
f. Language
Language is a tool used by humans to convey information from the speaker to the listener. With the language of the communication and relationships among humans can be well maintained and beautifully.

From the definitions above, it can be concluded that the culture system of knowledge covering system of ideas contained in the idea of ​​the human mind, so in everyday life culture is abstract. While the embodiment of culture are objects created by human beings as a cultured form and behavior of objects that are real, for example, patterns of behavior, language, equipment life, social organization, religious and other arts, all of which are addressed to help sustain the lives of people in society.

Cultural theory

Cultural theory is an attempt to conceptualize the significance of it, to understand the relationship between human data and human groups manifest data. Cultural Theory is a conceptual effort to understand how people use culture to perpetuate life in groups, to sustain life through the cultivation of the natural environment and maintain balance with the supernatural world.

The diversity of cultural theory can be viewed from two perspectives, namely, (a) the historical development perspective to see that diversity arises because certain aspects of the culture is considered not enough gained elaboration. And (b) the conceptual perspective the view that diversity arises because solving conceptual problems occur in different views. In our culture can not be understood apart from its basic principles. de Saussure formulate at least three important principles in understanding the culture, there are:

Signs (in English) consists of a mark (signifiant, signifier, markers) and marked (signifie, signified, sign). Bookmarks is a sound image while the marker is the idea or concept. This suggests that at least the concept of the sound consists of three components (1) the articulation of the lips, (2) release of air that comes out of a sudden, and (3) the vocal cords do not vibrate.

Important ideas related to the mark according to Saussure is no reference to objective reality. Signs have no nomenclature. To understand the meaning of it, there are two ways, namely, first, the meaning of signs is determined by the relationship between a sign with all the other marks that are used and the way both as an element of the human mind, or recorded as a code in the memory of man, determines how the elements of reality objectively given significance ataukebermaknaan recorded in accordance with the concept.

The problems always come back to the study of society and culture is the relationship between the individual and society. For the language, according to Saussure's langue and parole there (language and speech). Langue is the knowledge and language skills that are collective, lived shared by all members of the community; parole langue is the embodiment of the individual. Through individual utterances realized that follow the rules that apply collectively, because if not, the communication will not take place smoothly.

The idea of ​​culture, both as cognitive systems as well as the structural system, starting from the assumption that culture is a mental system that contains all the things that people should know in order to behave and act in such a way that it can be accepted and considered normal by society fellow.